Jumat, 05 September 2008

Might ate the Bee?

The questioner: Suli

In my area had the person that likes eating the bee or the bee, that was permitted or not? Thanks so much.


the Bee including the animal that might not be eaten his meat, the forbidden to be eaten. So, the person's action was not justified. And should, for the person that knew must reprimand or advise him, so that he is not protracted with his action.

See: Tahqîqul-Hayawân/60; Hayâtul-Hayawân/1/19. This question in there was enough room in the Sidogiri Edisi Bulletin 29 and was answered by the Murajaah Fiqhiyah Team (LMF) Kuliyah Syariah Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri that is coordinated by Ust Baihaqi Juri.

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