Minggu, 28 September 2008

The birth certificate and the Right of Waris

the Government gave the appeal to the community to immediately equip the identity by having the birth certificate, and being explained that they who did not have the birth certificate, then did not have inheritance rights opposite the court.
Could the birth certificate be put into the category of مانع الإرث or the case that obstructed the heir to get the inheritance? How the existence of this regulation in a syara manner when being enacted oeleh the government? Actually, the government regulation in the policy of having the certificate was maslahah (contained the good intention) and could be justified. Only the existence of the certificate in the perspective fiqh not be classed as one of the four of مانع الإرث (sperm Al-irts, the obstacle to inheritance rights) in the study fikih.

The Kabah of Old era

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